Nordplus Higher Education 2018 Project document Network Kalmar Vårdunion Project title Network Kalmar Vårdunion/2018 Project ID NPHE-2018/10263 Institutions The following costs are not allowed in the Nordplus Programme: 1. Overhead costs, i.e. general unspecified costs not directly connected to the Nordplus project 2.


The five Nordplus programmes are: Nordplus Junior – funds networks, projects and mobility for primary and secondary education, and preschooling; Nordplus Higher Education – funds networks, projects and mobility for the higher education sector; Nordplus Adult - funds networks, projects and mobility for institutions and organisations working with adult education and learning

Nordplus is a Nordic and Baltic student and teacher exchange programme through which students and teachers can spend an exchange period in Nordic and Baltic partner higher education institutions. The basis of Nordplus cooperation are networks formed between universities. These networks can apply for operational funding that is then distributed. Nordplus consists of five programmes aimed at the different education sectors: Nordplus Junior; Nordplus Horizontal; Nordplus Nordic Languages; Nordplus Higher education; Nordplus Adult; Nordplus aims to strengthen and develop cooperation within the Nordic education and help create a common Nordic and Baltic educational arena.

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Nordplus is the Nordic Council of Ministers' most important programme in the area of lifelong learning. It aims to strengthen Nordic educational cooperation and  Nordplus Junior; Nordplus Higher Education; Nordplus Adult; Nordplus Horizontal; Nordplus Nordic Languages. The total yearly Nordplus budget is approximately  The Nordplus higher education –programme consists of student and teacher mobility as well as project and network cooperation. In the Nordplus programme the  The network consists of nine Nordic and Baltic higher education institutions. The Nordman network is supported by Nordplus Higher Education Programme (  Regular students of the LMTA can apply for Erasmus/Nordplus exchange for the next For higher education institutions, the LMTA among them, the programme  Higher education in Denmark is free for students from the EU/EEA and To learn more about the Nordplus programme, please visit The OECD's Higher Education Programme provided a forum for education professionals to address key issues in higher education. In November 2015, the IMHE  23 Mar 2021 The programme is open for students who want to undertake an undergraduate degree for the academic year 2021-2022.

For higher education institutions; teachers, staff and students. Adult Nordplus Higher Education program; Nordplus Higher Education program Nordsam – The Nordsam Network was established in 1993. At the beginig main aim was health promotion among young people with subthemes–suicide, irresponsible sexual activity, alcohol and drugs.

The project is financially suported by the Nordplus programme. The Nordplus Higher Education network Development of High-Assured Autonomous Systems is 

Nordplus Higher Education - Final Report 2018 1.Start - Start 1.1 Project information Network The Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences has merged with another institution and the partner's Music Program in Vilnius been discontinued. Therefor we had no students from LT at the intensive course this year.

Sök Nordplus higher education (utlysning sker en gång per år under Sök STINT Grants for Educational Collaboration Programmes (ersätter Grants for Double 

or HOLD, program combines courses in education, social science, policy, analytics, and leadership education with  Curriculum Information. HGSE and its faculty are launching a series of schoolwide courses, designed to take advantage of active learning and the latest research  26 Sep 2017 for students was planned within a Nordplus higher education programme Kankaanranta Päivi (Satakunta University of Applied Sciences). In a related way, higher education institutions (HEIs) offering study programs on through Nordplus Higher Education Programme (NPHE-2019/10037 - Higher  programmes and student and teacher mobility in universities and university Nordplus Adult addresses the field of adult learning with financial support to  What does the programme offer? Nordplus is a project that supports cooperation between Nordic and Baltic countries. Nordplus offers funding for  What applies to study programmes that participate in Nordplus — Many study programmes within Nordplus Higher Education. Nordplus — The Nordplus Higher Education Programme is a mobility and network programme in the higher education sector, for bachelor and  If you want to study at another Nordic or Baltic university, there is the possibility through the Nordplus program.

Nordplus higher education programme

In July 2016 Turiba University held the NORDPLUS intensive course about mediation. Nordplus är Nordiska ministerrådets program för samarbete mellan de nordiska och baltiska länderna samt Åland, Färöarna och Grönland. Genom Nordplus kan organisationer inom hela utbildningsområdet söka bidrag för olika typer av utbyten och samarbeten.
Kristina gyllenstierna släktträd

For Schools, Kindergartens, Art and Music schools, Vocational training. Higher education. For higher education institutions; teachers, staff and students. Adult Programmes. Horizontal.

STUDENT APPLICATION currently studying: Number of higher education study years prior to departure abroad: . Nordplus Adult project. The overall University of Minho, Unit for Adult Education, Portugal · Lithuanian Hungarian Folk High School Society. I det här programmet kan aktörer inom högre utbildning och näringsliv söka bidrag för att stärka Europas innovationskapacitet och främja innovation inom högre  Kenneth Lundin from Finnish National Agency for Education giving a speech about #collaboration #highereducation #seminar #university #aaltouniversity.
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26 Sep 2017 for students was planned within a Nordplus higher education programme Kankaanranta Päivi (Satakunta University of Applied Sciences).

Reeglite meenutamiseks kuula eelmist taotlusvooru tutvustavat vebinari. Nordplus kõrgharidusprogramm (Nordplus Higher Education) Lae alla uut taotlusvooru tutvustav ettekanne või kuula vebinari. Nordplus Higher Education Fact Sheet.pdf (pdf, 1.96 MB) Liikkuvuustilastoja MobilityStatistics2018.pdf (pdf, 686.13 KB) MobilityStatistics2017.pdf (pdf, 538.48 KB) Information, support and development funding. EDUFI promotes the development of education and the internationalisation of Finnish society. We support development, experimental and start-up projects in education with government subsidies and advance the internationalisation of Finnish society by coordinating international traineeship, exchange and scholarship programmes.