14 Sep 2010 guise of Master Ord Enisence. Sterik Hasger. Temple Jedi Laissé en ruine par l 'Empire, restauré par la Nouvelle République, le Temple Jedi 


Ord Enisence was a male3 Skrilling2 Jedi Knight who was killed during the Clone Wars. The shapeshifting Clawdite bounty hunter Cato Parasitti posed as the late 

He serves the Jedi Order during the waning years of the Republic until his death in 21 BBY. RELATED LIGHTSABER SELLERS affiliate links Cato Parasitti was a Clawdite female bounty hunter. During the Clone Wars, she was hired by Cad Bane to steal a valuable holocron from the archives of the Jedi Temple, which she managed by impersonating the deceased Jedi Knight Ord Enisence and later Jocasta Nu. Although the mission was a success, Parasitti was caught and imprisoned. She adopted the guise of the late Jedi Master Ord Enisence to infiltrate the Jedi Archives, acting as an inside agent to help Bane and his techno-service droid, Todo 360, gain access to the heavily guarded Holocron Vault. Biography. Ord Enisence was a Skrilling from Agriworld-2079, and he came from the planet of Agriworld-2079. He became a Jedi Master, and by the time of the Clone Wars he was old and hulking, with his tough fingers allowing for a crushing grip.

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I turned towards the East and didn't walk for not even a minute before I … Ord Enisence was a male3 Skrilling2 Jedi Knight who was killed during the Clone Wars. The shapeshifting Clawdite bounty hunter Cato Parasitti posed as the late Enisence as part of Cad Bane's infiltration of the Jedi Temple.3 Posing as Ord Enisence, Cato Parasitti was voiced by Dee Bradley Baker Se hela listan på starwars.fandom.com Ord Enisence was a Skrilling male Jedi Master who served during the Clone Wars. Within the first year of the war, he waskilled by the Bounty hunter Cad Baneandlater impersonated by the Clawdite Cato Parasitti in order to infiltrate the Jedi Temple and steal a Holocron. "Holocron Heist" (First Ord Enisence was a Skrilling Jedi Master who hailed from the planet Agriworld-2079. During the Clone Wars, Enisence was killed by the Bounty Hunter Cad Bane while fighting the Separatist Alliance far away from the galactic capital of Coruscant. He was later impersonated by the Clawdite Cato Parasitti, who assisted Bane in stealing a holocron from the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

Ord Enisence is a Clone Wars era Skrilling male Jedi Knight. He serves the Jedi Order during the waning years of the Republic until his death in 21 BBY. RELATED LIGHTSABER SELLERS affiliate links Ord Enisence was a Jedi Master during the Clone Wars. He was killed during the Battle of Salucami by Asajj Ventress.

Yarael Poof · Sitemap. Ord Enisense. Jedi Master Ord Enisense. Comments. Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites.

Dated. 2021 - 04.

1-Tera Sinube 2- Jocasta Nu 3- Master Di 4- Ord Enisence 5- Duchess Satine 6- Nahdar Vebb 7- Savage Opress

Following his death, bounty hunter, Cato Parasitti took his form and used it to sneak into the Jedi Temple and help Bane steal a holocron. Ord Enisence was a practitioner of Shii-Cho which he used during his duel with Darth Sidious. Sidious effortlessly defeated the Jedi Master slicing his lightsaber in half. Sidious toyed with Enisence during their duel and claimed he could have killed him with a single blow if he had chosen to. The Ord Enisence lightsaber is a single-bladed Jedi lightsaber wielded by Ord Enisence in Star Wars Canon.

Ord enisence

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Ord Enisence was an skrilling Jedi Knight who was killed by Cad Bane during the Clone Wars.

Steelfist got that name Steel Fist when he was on a mission with Fu Shiloh to find out the killer of the old Jedi Knight, Ord Enisence. He tracked down a Crolute who had supposedly seen the murder. The clone asked the Crolute what happened during the Skrilling 's death but when they did not comply Steelfist found some Brass knuckles near the desk and punched them in the face.
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Star Wars: The Clone Wars (TV Series 2008–2020) Dee Bradley Baker as Clone Troopers, Captain Rex, Commander Cody, Onaconda Farr, Admiral Trench, Bossk, Byph

Blasting his way through the Senate security, Bane uncovered the location of Ord Enisence and killed him. Bane and Parisitti plan their infiltration of the Jedi Temple as Parisitti uses the dead body of Ord Enisence (Dee Bradley Baker) to change into a Jedi who would have access to the vaults in the 2017-04-18 17457 Voted on the poll: Who is your favorite Jedi? See poll results and have your say. 2012-05-17 2018-06-10 Inside, Cato -- in the form of Ord Enisence -- strolls into the Temple.